Abstraction Engineering

Quick note
Our mandate: create a digitally transformative platform that empowers customers to shop a vast surplus inventory and pave the way for future e-commerce strategies, such as app-exclusives or localized offerings. We tried to find an innovation sweet spot of mobile-relevant enhancements that leveraged current resources and capabilities to bring an MVP to market.
A core competency is the driving engine, or mechanic, laying the foundations for a product's growth. It answers the simple question, “What does it do?”, and serves as the fulcrum for the design experience. The core competency for backchannel is incubated within the domain of data algorithms, an area with great potential that is not fully harnessed in any one channel.
The key to some of Backchannel’s early growth was our then opinionated product. The opinions represented both best practices for customers we were selling to, but also tradeoffs that we had made early in the product’s development.